Welcome to Business & Management Services

DCMO BOCES provides a variety of non-instructional services to our sixteen component school districts, as well as many other districts from outside of the DCMO footprint to help them manage their business and operations.  Through economies of scale, DCMO can often provide a more efficient model to support the work of school district management.  Services we offer include business management support, personnel services, ancillary services management, and health and safety programs.  Some services are also available to municipalities and counties.

We work collaboratively with the districts we serve to provide solutions to the challenges they face.  We are now, more than ever, committed to providing staff, facilities, and resources to help you do more with less.  Realize the value of savings cooperative services can offer, and enhance revenues through BOCES aid on services that qualify.  Together, increased efficiency and additional aid will result in savings to your budget.


Robert Avery
Director of Services
Phone: (607) 335-1320

Patti Gallaher
Director of Educational Services
Phone: (607) 335-1251

Randy Pryor
Director of Finance
Phone: (607) 335-1227



DCMO BOCES Central Business Office

DCMO BOCES Cooperative Purchasing

DCMO BOCES Courier Service

DCMO BOCES Employee Benefits Services

DCMO BOCES Facilities Services

DCMO BOCES Health & Safety

DCMO BOCES Print & Design Service

DCMO BOCES Public Information Service

DCMO BOCES Records Management

DCMO BOCES School Lunch Management

DCMO BOCES Special Programs Finances

DCMO BOCES Superintendent's Hearing Service

DCMO BOCES Absence Management

DCMO BOCES Technology Services

DCMO BOCES Transportation & Compliance