Business Foundations
The Business Foundations program is a projectbased, career-focused program. Students participate in a Financial Reality Fair co-sponsored by SFCU and complete an immersive, collaborative learning project to sharpen their creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration skills. Students develop a competitive advantage by building professional skills and relationships with potential internship opportunities. They prepare for entry-level positions in accounting, banking, marketing, management, entrepreneurship, and more! Students can earn up to 10 TC3 college credits as well as the National Work Readiness Credential—the only nationally recognized career readiness credential validating mastery of the foundational employability and soft skills most in demand by employers today. The course will be available in chunks so that students are able to participate in parts of the program or the whole CTE program.

Jennifer Lawrence
Director of Career & Technical Education
Julie Wallen
Administrative Assistant
(607) 335-1258
Pole Campus Main Office
(607) 335-1200
Harrold Campus Main Office
(607) 865-2500