New Vision Law & Government
Designed for students interested in exploring careers in law and government, this program combines academic course work in senior English and Social Studies with in-depth exposure to a wide variety of experiences in courtrooms, law offices, government agencies, and other related facilities. The classroom is located at SUNY Morrisville-Norwich Campus. Students will also have regular placements in other law and government offices and courtrooms in the community. Each day, students will have the opportunity to meet, observe, and participate with representatives of the county’s legal and government community.
The central focus of this program is the interdisciplinary approach to English and Social Studies that relates the academic content to structured experiences in law and government. Students will have an opportunity to read literature related to legal issues, write research papers using legal cases, and develop solutions to community legal problems. Students with a specific career in mind are given the opportunity to see people involved in that career. In addition, students will be exposed to many similar and related career opportunities that they may never have realized existed. The New Vision model increases student awareness of the demands and rewards of careers in the legal and governmental fields. High School Core Academic Credits are available, depending on course and district. College credit is available.
Jennifer Lawrence
Director of Career & Technical Education
Julie Wallen
Administrative Assistant
(607) 335-1258
Pole Campus Main Office
(607) 335-1200
Harrold Campus Main Office
(607) 865-2500