Instructional Technology Services 

The DCMO BOCES Instructional Technology department provides a wide range of instructional programs and technical services designed to help districts integrate technology into the curriculum.  Below are a list of services offered.


Learning Technology: used to purchase technology hardware and software needed for instructional purposes. Districts receive BOCES aid on all eligible equipment.

Model Schools: in conjunction with Instructional Technology Service, this service is designed to support the integration of instructional technology.

Distance Learning: this service supports districts who have students enrolled in a wide range of courses. All courses are taught by certified teachers. Classes include credit recovery, AP courses, elective and credit accrual courses. Professional development trainings are offered within this service to support pedagogy for teachers, as well as technical support for both teacher and student.

Itinerant Technology Coordinators: this service is for districts needing a shared computer education (technology) coordinator.

Instructional Media Service: this service provides school districts with a means of live streaming educational video and a storage/archiving solution for this video/media. Additionally the service supports access to various types of instructional media solutions.

School Library System: Provides support for automation, Interlibrary loan, cooperative purchasing for digital student resources, and access to a wide selection of Ebooks and audiobooks. Services also include professional learning workshops, grant writing support, consultation, mini-grant funding opportunities and resource and curriculum development.


Betsy Hartnett
School Library System Coordinator and
Assistant Director of Technology
(607) 335-1371

Rebecca Roberts
Computer Services Coordinator
(607) 335-1373

Rachel Everitt Solabac
SLS Office Professional
(607) 335-1364
