APEX Learning: Available to 6-12 with 100 courses
Check out the Apex Pathways Info
Calvert Learning (K-5): Learn more about this elementary level option
Grades 6-12 Courseware/ EdOptions Academy
Overview of our instructional services: printable brochure
Over 400 courses to choose from: NY Course Catalog
Flexible or Enhanced instruction available:
Online, NYS certified (Offered through EdOptions Academy)
48-72 business hour turnaround time from when paperwork is received


Offers “Full Course Delivery” options (K-12)
content & instructional support
NYS Certified teachers
Available 7:30AM-7:30PM EST (Monday-Friday) “On-Demand”
All curriculum available through Educere’s LMS
Progress reports are sent weekly to Point of Contact at school
Asynchronous course- self-paced
Offers Homebound and Temporary Instruction (Learn more)

Imagine Learning
Live Virtual K-12 Education:
Offers certified livestreamed teachers
Fully customizable to school’s schedule
Live Virtual Tutoring:
Offers synchronous virtual tutoring across all core subjects
Customizable support during school, after school, or on weekends
Live Virtual Summer School:
Synchronous summer program offer live, online instruction from certified teachers
Course Offerings: Core, Specialty (Arts, AP, CTE), SPED, Speech-Language Pathology

Proximity Learning
Live Virtual K-12 Education:
Offers certified live streamed teachers
Fully customizable to school’s schedule
Live Virtual Tutoring:
Offers synchronous virtual tutoring across all core subjects
Customizable support during school, after school, or on weekends
Live Virtual Summer School:
Synchronous summer program offer live, online instruction from certified teachers
Course Offerings: Core, Specialty (Arts, AP, CTE), SPED, Speech-Language Pathology

Spider Learning
Available for grades 6-10
Offers Curriculum delivered through the Classroom Command Center for blended learning classrooms
Services include Professional Development support for teachers throughout the school year
All curriculum is tailored and customized to the required credit fulfillment standards
Check out the Online Resource Bundles available

Courses Available through Local Colleges
DCMO BOCES partners with local colleges and universities to support Advanced Placement or Dual Enrollment courses.
Availability is determined upon specific requests.