The New York State Education Department presented the recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures to the Board of Regents on Monday. DCMO BOCES Assistant Superintendent and Director of Instructional Services Ginger Rinaldo was paying close attention to the announcement, and notes that the recommendations are significant and wide-ranging, with implications for all involved in the delivery of education. "DCMO BOCES stands ready to support students, districts, and families to implement these recommendations once the Board of Regents releases additional guidance in the spring," she said.
The commission, which has worked on this project for a year, had 12 recommendations, with a focus on providing multiple pathways to graduation, flexibility in assessing students, broadening access to career and technical education to every student, ensuring culturally-responsive teacher preparation and professional development, and updating the NYS Learning Standards to better align with college and career expectations, emphasizing higher-order skills.
Many of these recommendations, according to Rinaldo, align nicely with the mission and expertise of DCMO BOCES. In particular, the commission recommends that career and technical education (CTE) be available to every student, including internships, mentorships and work-based learning opportunities. “DCMO BOCES currently offers 14 different CTE programs on two campuses to students from 16 component school districts,” said Rinaldo. “Our mentorship program has been highly successful in connecting our students with business and industry, and is helping align our programs with career expectations. We are well-prepared to draw upon our experience and expertise to help our school districts meet that goal.” Jaan Aarismaa,
Welding Technology Teacher at the DCMO BOCES Alan D. Pole Campus in Norwich, served as a member of the commission.
The Board of Regents will consider the recommendations, including updates to the NYS Learning Standards, with implementation by the State Education Department beginning later in the spring. DCMO BOCES will likely play a critical role in that transition, according to Rinaldo. “We are excited to partner with our component districts, communities, and businesses to provide professional learning and CTE opportunities” in alignment with any changes ultimately implemented by the state, she said.
For more information about the Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures, visit
For more information about the educational programs and services offered by DCMO BOCES, visit