On Monday, February 12th, two senior FFA students from the DCMO BOCES Robert W. Harrold Campus attended Lobby Day at the New York State Capitol in Albany, NY. Alexes Sousa (Unatego CSD) and Morgan Williams (Gilbertsville-Mount Upton) helped the New York State Maple Association, the New York Farm Bureau and producers from around the state speak to government officials on the importance of maple production in our state. They shared their maple production experience while attending the Conservation and Heavy Equipment program and why they felt it was important to their education. They also stressed the importance of maintaining funding for the Cornell Maple Research Program, which provides valuable information to the industry and the advancement of maple technology.
Morgan and Alexes shared the value of the production process at DCMO BOCES, and how it enables the program to share with other classes and schools who attend field trips to learn about the process in an educational environment. Morgan and Alexes did a wonderful job representing both FFA and the Conservation and Heavy Equipment program.
Morgan Williams and Alexes Sousa are pictured with New York State Senator Michelle Hinchey, FFA advisor Amanda Larsen, NYS Maple Producers Association Executive Director Helen Thomas, and other New York maple producers.