Leadership teams from 14 school districts and both DCMO BOCES campuses attended the 2024 Leadership Academy: The Places We Go last week. The 2-day event was held at Greek Peak in Cortland, New York, and featured keynote speaker John Whalen from Edtomorrow, a group discussion centered on the issues and solutions raised in Jonathan Haidt’s book “The Anxious Generation,” presentations from two school districts (Norwich & Sherburne-Earlville)on their initiatives managing cell phone use in their schools, team building activities and several breakout sessions and informal conversations. A highlight was a question-and-answer session with a panel of 8 students from some of the DCMO BOCES component school districts, where the students shared their perspective on some of the topics and issues that were being discussed over the course of the event. The Leadership Academy is organized and presented by the DCMO BOCES Instructional Support Services Team, led by Ginger Rinaldo, Assistant Superintendent of DCMO BOCES. The 65 participants were from Bainbridge-Guilford, Downsville, Franklin, Gilbertsville - Mount Upton, Greene, Hancock, Walton, Oxford Academy CSD, Norwich City CSD, Otselic Valley CSD, Sherburne-Earlville CSD, Delaware Academy CSD, Unatego CSD, Unadilla Valley CSD, and the Harrold and Pole Campuses of DCMO BOCES.

DCMO BOCES Instructional Support Services Holds Leadership Academy: The Places we Go
July 29, 2024