October 14-18 is School Board Recognition Week, and DCMO BOCES Board of Education members were indeed recognized with thank you cards from students at DCMO BOCES Alan D. Pole and Robert W. Harrold, presented at the last Board of Education meeting.
All school boards work to ensure student success, developing a shared vision and goals for the district and ensuring strategies, resources, policies and programs align with district goals. The elected members of the DCMO BOCES school board develop policies and provide fiscal oversight for the district; the District Superintendent, Michael J. Rullo, leads the implementation of the policies and strategic plan. Current board members and the component district they represent are Vanessa Warren, Afton CSD (President), David Cruikshank, Otselic Valley CSD (Vice President), John Klockowski, Norwich CSD, Yvonne LaViola, Greene CSD, Cindy O’Hara, Unatego CSD, Jeanne Shields, Bainbridge-Guilford CSD, and Melissa Stagnaro, Oxford Academy CSD.
DCMO BOCES is a regional provider of educational services to students and schools, including adult learning programs, and operates school campuses in Sidney Center and Norwich. To find out more about their services and programs, visit www.dcmoboces.com.