two group pictures of studeents
6 people pose with a framed award certificate
12 female stueents pose for a picture
hand holding smartphone
Student Jacob Butts looks to Game of Logging instructor Bill Lindloff for feedback on his just-completed cut during a chainsaw skills workshop at the DCMO BOCES Harrold Campus last week.
3 students are shown posing with 6 adults
Three adults and a student holding trophy
group photo of spelling bee competitors
two adults address a group on students
participant speaks to a group of fellow attendees in a conference room
DCMO BOCES website landing page
Jordan Taft Welding
Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures
Martha Ryan and Sal Testani accept the proclomation of Mentorship Month from the Chenango County Board of Supervisors as supervisors applaud
Head shots of Dean Russin and Annette Bagnall
students participate in P.E. class
Man receiving award
Group of four golfers win the Lew Ford Golf Outing
Leadership Academy 2023 Collage
Mountain Mover